Of the eleven published maps, eight have the three main standard lines where players can fight, which we have grown to love from games such as DOTA 2 and League of Legends. There are fifty-one heroes currently in the game divided into four distinct categories. When players start the game, they can only use six to ten heroes provided by the free heroes rotation, a methodically selected list that changes every week, but by using gold, a source of in-game currency, or through microtransactions, you can have permanent access to a hero.

Players can choose from five game modes, which include playing against computer-controlled heroes or other players. The game revolves around a cooperative online combat mode of five against five players, operated through the page, Blizzard’s online gaming service. Heroes of the Storm is a free-to-play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.